I have uttered these words aloud several times tonight. My boyfriend has been hounding me, asking me what I am writing about and then I look at the screen feeling a pang of shame over my Facebook or Pinterest page appearing. C'est la vie. When I asked my boyfriend if he thought it would be difficult to write a blog he replied, "No, I write about nothing all the time" (I guess that's the writer in him... grrr).
So enough, I will not say I can't anymore, this is it: My first official blog post. I am a little scared, a little excited. Why these emotions? I don't know because I have done many more daring things than this but whatever emotions are silly.
Let's start this B off right with a proper introduction. I am Molly, 26 years old, Minnesota born and raised. I live in Duluth in northern Minnesota, don't know where it is you say? Well....
I live with my boyfriend of three years. He's a student and an excellent writer himself.
I love enjoying myself and figured a blog is a great way to share my experiences running, eating, drinking, living life in general! All through high school I had been a pretty big athlete, as an adult not so much. Over the last year I have made some pretty big changes. Almost a year ago exactly I completed my first half marathon here in Duluth, the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon, without having trained AT. ALL. my goal was just to complete the race, I ended up completing the race without walking at all! This started my obsession, that knowing what my body can do. A little over a month ago I completed my second half (woot woot!) in Washington, D.C. at the Nike Women's Half Marathon. This time coming in a 2:13:15 and killing my previous race by over a half hour. My next race will be in a little less than 3 weeks when I run the Gary Bjorklund Half Marathon again. I've got the itch and it feels amazing having a hobby again.
Along with my fitness goals I have been trying to adjust my diet. Unfortunately all the beer and late-night bar food of my early 20's has caught up with me and my damn metabolism. On the bright side, cooking is an all new joy for me. I have gone from that teenage girl that used to tell her mother "I am just going to marry a guy who cooks" to meticulously meal planning for the week. Healthy food, check! Fuel for my OCD, check! But lets face it this gal loves a good burger and beer. After all I did devour this the night before my last marathon (I wouldn't recommend doing this, but I was clearly starving):
Beyond running and cooking I love to be outdoors. Duluth is known for it residents' love of the outdoors. I live for summer when I can kayak, sail, ride my bike, or sail in Lake Superior. When I have a chance to get away from Duluth though I take it. The travel-bug has been in my blood for as long as I can remember, and only got worse after my first trip abroad in high school. I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to share my experiences through this blog, even if it makes me feel exposed. I am excited to see where it goes and hopefully use it as motivation, especially on that exercise and healthy eating front. So there it all is I guess, cheers and enjoy!
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